Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Another funny FHE

We had a commitment on the traditional Monday night family home evening. So we took a trip to the Oakland Temple Visitor Center to view a sculpture exhibit of The Healing Power of Jesus Christ. These sculptures are done by a lady named Angela Johnson. She tried to make a career out of Opera singing but wasn't successful so she went to a craft store got some clay and 1 tool and made her first sculpture of a little girl. She knew it was her calling. The sculptures were fun to look at and for the kids to see a 3-D image of stories of Christ healing. Hannah like the sculpture It is I Be, Not Afraid, Miranda liked Come unto me, it was a life size sculpture of Jesus, Logan liked a sculpture that I couldn't find on her website but it was a narrow pathway. In the middle it turned going up from the middle it had people making good choices such as studying the scriptures, serving, teaching, helping. The Savior was at the top. from the middle going down it had people who were ashamed, struggling and ended with pride at the bottom. Although I would like to think Logan like it for the message I think he really liked it because he could walk under it like a bridge. It was a neat way for the kiddos to experience his ministry.

As with every trip we decided to walk around on the Temple terrace where Jeremy proposed. I have decided that when I talk to the kids there are certain things that are not an option like getting married in the temple, it is just where they will get married. So I phrased my question carefully as we were walking away from the temple. I said "When you get married in the temple, which temple do you want to get married in?" Miranda quickly said the Oakland Temple. Logan was also quick to respond. His temple of choice is the Logan temple in Logan Utah, which happens to be where his great grandparents got married. Haylie not missing a beat says "I want to get married in the Haylie temple." No one had the heart to tell her that there is no such thing. It was hilarious. I love the way their minds work.

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