Friday, December 18, 2009

Remember that mess...

We made 25 yes that is right 25 cookie plates. They consisted of Sugar cookies (below), brownies (as in out of the box), Oreo truffles, Supreme Rice Cereal Bars and Crispy Butterscotch Fudge bars (with out the peanuts).
My nephew turned 4 on wednesday and I tried my hand at making a cake for him. It is kind of wacky but cute. He even licked the frosting which was cool for me to see. He had ate part of a cupcake at school so he had reached his sugar limit. Take my word for it though it tasted good!
Lastly my sewing project, as mentioned in the previous post.
In my expert opinion I think it was worth all the mess. Fortunately Jeremy is running on borrowed steam so I am not sure he recognized the mess!

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