Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What a day...phew!

As some of you know Miranda turned 9 yesterday.  This is my last year with all my kids as sweet little children.  Next year begins the into to tweendom, dum, dum, dum!  WE celebrated with just our immediate family yesterday and had a good time.  We got to go to San Francisco Creamery in the WC.  It was the first time in a while that we actually went out to a restaurant with all the kiddos by ourselves.  It was perfect.

Today was the day where we celebrate with Jeremy's family.  As the day got closer I realized I had a short list of time consuming projects/tasks to complete.  On my to-do list (this is the part where you might get exhausted), get kids off to school.  Come home sew Miranda's Twirl skirt that should have been done yesterday, oh and her black Apple Doll.  Next chaperone her short filed trip to Walnut Creek's Dean Lesher Theater for the Percussion Discusion.  Come home put together Lasagna and bake the cake for tonight and set timer so when I walk through the door after taking the kids (yes all 6) to the dentist for their routine cleaning dinner will be ready and I can relzx enjoy the company with dinner made and the dishes will be done.

Well this is how my day went.  Get up shower as I am getting in Lauren made a thunk and cried.  Jeremy was walking out that way so I didn't think any thing of it.  For you experienced , inuitive, sympathetic, parents you may have checked, but some one is always falling around here, if it's bad you usually know failry quickly.  The older two got to school on time.  I came home and got two rows pressed and ironed togetther for Miranda's skirt, then needed to pack up the kids for the baby sitter.  I lifted Lauren into her carseat and she cried like I hurt her.  I thought maybe I bumped her or my finger went into her armpit in an uncomfortable way. I then dropped her off at the sitter and made it to Miranda's class about 5 minutes late to chaperone her field trip.  It was a blast, we had such a good time.  It was a group of 5 pretty spunky fun girls.  I picked up the kids and was getting Lauren into the car and noticed that she cried in pain again.  That was weird.  So we came home, and I wondered if I was being one of THOSE parents making smething out of nothing.  She was a little off but not too much.  She used her arm fairly normal she was happy, playing, dancing and the normal stuff.  I took off her shirt and she cried in pain, but when I was done she was fine.  So I called the advice nurse and she said to bring her in, "I have one appointment in Minor injury art 4:45"  I said I would take it.  The kids had dentist appointments at 3:30 and 4:00.  That should be enough time.  Then it dawned on me, we were having family dinner tonight and I needed to kick it into gear.  I did get the cake baked, the lasagna prep'd and in the oven on a delayed-timed-bake.  I had the frosting made so when I go home I just had to put the cake all together.  I even made the flowers and set them aside so I could just place them on top of said cake.

I showed up on time to the dentist and said "Hey Lauren's shoulder is hurt we have an appointment at 4:45 can we be done hear with ALL my kids by 4:15"  They said yep and went to work.  I am sure the little voices inside their head were saying "I can't believe she still came to the appointment if her daughter needs to be seen by Minor Injury"  After we were all done I am sure the little voices were saying "Her daughter is fine she is over-reacting."  Lauren was playing their arcade games and shaking them beeting them, you know all the stuff that would scream "this is a normal healthy two year old."  So we left and headed to the Minor injury clinic.  We showed up late by 5 minutes but they still took us in.  After sitting for what seemed like forever with all the kids in tow inside a little doctor's office the doctor came in and touched all the spots that indicate something might be wrong and asked the non-speaking two year old "Does this hurt?" With each question Lauren said "Nyah"  What is that yeah,  no?  I don't know but the doctor went along and said yeah I am pretty sure she broke her clavicle bone.  Then we proceeded down to the X-ray department where we again waited.  At this point I dug in the bottom of my purse to find one tiny bag of Halloween candy, Skittles, that I put there for a recent trip to the movies.  Jackson was starting to loose it, Lauren was wanting food, milk, a shirt I did what any reasonable parent would do after leaving the dentist office and fed them Skittles.  Sorry Dr. Cheng, but it was practically life or death!  I also realize I was giving my little baby a huge no-no, but I watched carefully and then reminded myself I was in the minor injury clinic, if there was ever a place to give a baby something they could choke on, it was where they dealt with emergencies, right?  (I did soften them first and he chowed down on them no problems.  Had I really any doubt I would not have even attempted it.)  Back up to get the verdict.  I was starting to think I was crazy and that she was fine and I made Miranda late for her celebration for nothing.  Turns out it was a small break, but not misaligned.  I got to see cute pictures of Lauren's bones.  They put her in a little sling, if it wasn't so pathetic, it would  be adorable.  We got home to a clean home with dinner made.  Jeremy came home cranked up Jack Johnson and went to work cleaning up my tornado of a mess, set the table and made the salad and garlic toast for dinner.  Needless to say I am exhausted but everyone is OK.  Miranda still feels her birthday was special and we get to drag out the celebration one more day because I still need to sew and her cake is scattered around the house in pieces begging to be put together.

1 comment:

The State of Our Family said...

Aw, poor thing! Will you be posting a picture of the pathetic/adorable slinged child? ;)

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