Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Today's To Do List

  1. Get off the computer!
  2. Do dishes from last night's birthday party.
  3. Make a mess in the kitchen by baking 11 dozen valentine cookies to frost tomorrow (Who ever thought six kids was a good idea followed by the need to make something homemade for each child to pass out in their classroom?)
  4. Do dishes!
  5. Help Miranda make 4 batches of cookies for her science fair project.
  6. Do Dishes!
  7. Help Logan make a dessert that shows resourcefulness for tonight's Blue and Gold for scouting.
  8. Make a center piece...I mena Logan Make a center piece for above mentioned activity.
  9. Sew Logan's patches on scout shirt for the above mentioned activity.
  10. Do Dishes!
  11. Help Miranda with her Science fair display board (due Wednesday for display on Thursday!)
  12. Find Logan's scout book so I can work with  Logan on the Bobcat path.
  13. Learn what it actually means to finish the Bobcat path.
  14. Make a Huge list for tomorrow as I plan for the school carnival meeting on Thursday.
  15. Make lists for grocery shopping.
  16. Feed some kids...chocolate chips and marshmallows?
  17. Sleep..nah!  Maybe I will put that on tomorrow's list!


Liz said...

Busy today? Too bad those dishes get in the way.

brittany doll said...

This is mine:
Pack for 6 people.
Caden has baseball practice from 4:30 to 6:00.
Go to scouts @ 6:00. (skip making the dessert because there is always too many and I don't want to take it home.)
Drive to San Francisco tonight (right after scouts is over)
p.s. bobcat path is easy. They need to memorize a few scouting things.
You will probably be sick of making cookies by the end of today.

Janelle said...

Whoever thinks being a mom is easy is totally silenced by your list!!! But you totally rock and maybe you should invest in getting a second dishwasher :)

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