Monday, March 02, 2009

High School Musical 3

One of our fun family things is to watch a movie and have a theme. It keeps the kids entertained, it is cheap and we always enjoy the time together. On Saturday night we did High School Musical 3. Our menu theme was high school food. We had cheese Zombies and Tots along with some corn, Jeremy assured me that was school food. We were going to have chocolate milk but I forgot. Then for dessert...well we ran out of time and we never got that far to decide, it was probably going to be chocolate chip cookies.

After all movies there are music and credits so tradition would have it that they all danced while I filmed. Seriously music and coordination are not my gifts, but I sure do enjoy watching others enjoy them!


Anonymous said...

That's such a good idea. I'm the parent of a toddler and am always looking for ways to have family fun. HSM is such a great movie to incorporate into such an activity.

Michelle said...

how fun!! loved the girls dancing together :)

my oldest likes to play our emmalee guitar too!

I love seeing your video. I need to learn how to put video on my blog.

Handsfullmom said...

You've got such a great family. What a good idea to have a theme night. We do "movie parties" but I've never tied it into what we eat. What great dancers you all are.

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