Monday, June 15, 2009

One more school year down.

The kids finished another year at school. Miranda is now happily heading into 3rd grade. Logan is off to first grade and the big kid playground. We are very proud of both of them.

The above picture is Miranda on the first day of school with her teacher, below is the last day. Time flies and she is growing up. Miranda has been very fortunate to have such excellent teachers. We are grateful for all that these ladies have done for our kids. Miranda still is a great reader, she loves it and is good at it. At the beginning of the year I worried about math, but she really stepped up and did excellent. She ended the year with all 4's which means she has mastered end of year standards.

Here is Logan getting ready for his very first day of school.

He had no problem waving good-bye as he entered the wonderful world of learning.

Below is Logan's first teacher, who also taught Miranda when she was in Kindergarten. So she falls under the category of excellent teachers as well. Logan also ended the year with all 4's just like Miranda. He is tying his own shoes and is reading pretty good. His strength is math which I think encouraged Miranda to do better, she was not going to be out done by him. Healthy competition. Logan's teacher got a pink slip at the end of this year. We were all hoping that a miracle would happen and she would get her job back as well as the other 5 teachers who will also be sadly leaving their school. It is such a bummer. I can't explain how sad it makes me. All the fifth grade teachers also got pink slips so that will make it interesting for those going into fifth grade. I hope to see these faces back here soon.

I am so proud of both my little smarty pants. I am also excited to have a busy summer of fun plans. Then for next year, only having to make two trips to the school, since Miranda and Logan will be on the same schedule!

1 comment:

The State of Our Family said...

Your little miniature April & Jeremy sure are cute!

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