When my thoughts get too long for a Facebook status...well they usually are too long any way, but this will be longer. At this moment I have a truly grateful heart. Don't get me wrong life still has problems, but I feel so fortunate to have so many wonderful people around me. Different walks of life, different beliefs, different ideas...it makes life good. I wanted to take a moment to thank the many of you who have touched my life, made me a better person and those that say nice things about me and my family it means the world to me. It is like a daily dose of chocolate without the calories! I would love to name you personally, but I will try and catch all of you in a category.
I am thankful for my family, the one I grew up with, we are still different and I can be difficult, but you love me and are still excited to spend time with me! I am thankful for the family I married into, you have each accepted me as one of your own, like I had always been a part of you. I am grateful for the family that I have the pleasure to share my home with, each of you bring me so much joy, a joy I didn't understand before I had the opportunity to be a wife and mother.
I am grateful for those who I have met through church. Your example has definitely helped me have a desire to be a better person, I have work to do, but at least there is hope. Some of you have taught me invaluable lessons and you probably don't even know it, but I have been humbled and grew from those experiences. For those I have been able to serve with in a church capacity, and those who have served me, whether it is by teaching, visiting teaching and helping run the show, you all have taught me a great deal about service.
The friends I have made through the years, it is easy to get lost in the role of mother and you help me keep a bit of my silly self and allow me to have fun being just me. Life has changed over the last 15 years and some of us are further apart then we would like to be, but your friendship still means the world to me! Late night chats when guards are down are still my all time favorite moments with the gals! ;)
Those people who I have met through my kids school. I never thought it would be possible to enjoy a community so much. I have had a blast getting to know you and knowing that my kids are surrounded by great people! We have been so fortunate to know those that teach my kiddos, and I feel even more blessed to call you friends as well. Your hard work and diligence and passion for what you do never cease to amaze me...even when I am scatter brained, you are still happy to see me!
Those of you who I have had the pleasure to do preschool swaps, baby sitting swaps and any other kind of swap, I am thankful for you and the experiences you have brought with you. Again I feel so lucky for those friendships my kiddos have established when they were young and continue to grow.
Getting involved in swim team, I have meet so many amazing people and created another little community. Some of you would seem to be an unlikely person for us to create a friendship, but I am so grateful our paths have crossed and the moments we get to share. I adore the passion you have for those Gator guys and gals.
I was introduced to a new world a few years ago when Lauren and Jackson were diagnosed with diabetes, I am grateful for each of you who have shared your personal struggles and experiences, been willing to offer advice and even knowing that someone I know truly understands the challenges of this disease. I feel a kinship to you even if we are not in the same tight circle of friends.
There are a few of you who we have had a difficult path, whether it is political, religious, or even my prickly at times personality. There has been times when tears were shed and my heart hurt because I didn't know if these differences would be too much for a friendship. I truly am grateful that our friendship has stood through those tests and I adore each of you who think differently than I do, it keeps me flexible and open. It doesn't mean we have to agree, but it helps me understand a different point of few and appreciate those differences.
I am so grateful for each of your examples and influence in my life. Most importantly I am grateful for a Savior, who knows my flaws and imperfections and loves me unconditionally. Sometimes life is difficult and hard to swallow, sometimes I just don't want to face what lies ahead, but because of each of you I can find joy even when times are rough. If you have crossed paths with me in anyway, please know I am sending a heartfelt thank you for all that you do!